James’ Parliamentary contribution to the Motor Accident Insurance and Other Legislation Amendment Bill

Thursday, 24 October 2019

 I rise to speak in the debate on the motor accident insurance bill. I support the observations of my colleagues in the LNP. We support the bill. It is important that we do something about claim farming. It is distressing for people when they receive a phone call from somebody who appears to have information about them that they do not think they should have. One wonders how it was obtained. That anxiety is something that we can address by adopting this bill.

 I would like to add my concerns to those of my colleagues who have spoken earlier. Whenever an industrial organisation, as they are so neatly named in this bill, is given special treatment, one has to wonder why. The Labor Party never does anything without a reason when it comes to electoral laws or feathering the nest of the trade union movement.

 Madam DEPUTY SPEAKER (Ms McMillan): Sorry to interrupt, member for Southern Downs. Firstly, if you were to continue speaking, you would need to come back to the bill. Secondly, I ask that you move that the debate be now adjourned.

Debate, on motion of Mr Lister, adjourned.